Tag Archives: mortal kombat

Franchise Detours Episode 2: Mortal Kombat (feat. David Rosen of Piecing It Together)

Test your might with episode 2 of Franchise Detours. From the 1992 debut of the video game series, Mortal Kombat has always been there to give fans the over-the-top violence, wild characters, and button-mashing gameplay they crave. Oh, yeah, and Hollywood made a few movies based on it too. This episode, David Rosen of Piecing It Together helps us break down the Mortal Kombat movie franchise.

We’ll discuss how the games were adapted into the 1995 movie, its notorious sequel, and even the 2021 reboot. How have the movies changed their approach to the property over the years? And ultimately, which best captures the experience of delivering those sweet fatalities? Time to blast that iconic theme music.

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