international podcast day 2020

Crooked Table Podcast: Episode 135 — Happy International Podcast Day (and What to Expect in 2020)

One year ago, the fate of the Crooked Table Podcast was uncertain. Trapped at a creative crossroads, the show was put on what turned out to be a temporary hiatus until it could be refocused to its current premise, in which we “democratize the film criticism conversation.” Once that concept was nailed down, Rob unveiled it just in time for International Podcast Day 2019.

Now, with the return of this annual celebration of the podcasting medium (Happy International Podcast Day, all!), Rob is back to lay out his plans for the show in 2020. Since the relaunch in December 2018, we’ve talked about a lot of great films — from Christmas in Connecticut to Avengers: Endgame — and been fortunate to welcome a wide variety of exciting guests to the show.

However, in the interest of keeping the show growing and evolving, we’re eager to push the show and its mission forward to even greater heights in the year ahead. That means more guests, more films and an overall higher quality product for the listeners. So, join Rob as he outlines some of his objectives for 2020 and celebrates how far the Crooked Table Podcast has come in the past year.

Last but not least, we hope everyone has a wonderful International Podcast Day! Keep podcasting and/or listening! Exciting days are ahead!


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