Close Watch Episode 1: ‘Field of Dreams’ (feat. Darin Lundberg of NostalgiaCast)

Everyone familiar with 1989’s Field of Dreams knows that “if you build it, he will come.” But is the same true if you podcast about it? Darin Lundberg of NostalgiaCast helps us test that theory with an in-depth chat about writer-director Phil Alden Robinson’s iconic sports film starring Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan, James Earl Jones, Ray Liotta, and Burt Lancaster.

Field of Dreams has a reputation for being a film that emotionally resonates with its audiences. Listen in as Darin shares the personal story behind his love for the movie. We’ll discuss why he watches it annually, how it’s not really a baseball movie, and why James Horner deserves so much credit for the film’s success. So lace up and join us as we run onto the Field of Dreams.

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