Category Archives: Reviews

Review: ‘Steve Jobs’ Paints an Imperfect Portrait

Back in 2010, screenwriter Aaron Sorkin and director David Fincher teamed up to dramatize the creation of Facebook in the Oscar-winning drama The Social Network. Five years later, Sorkin and filmmaker Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire) are taking a similar approach in exploring the life of the late Apple co-founder in Steve Jobs, and as it turns out, the two projects have far more in common than just their focus on technological pioneers.

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Review: ‘Goosebumps’ Mostly Just Scares Up Nostalgia

Pop on the television, fire up your laptop and — naturally — take a trip to the movie theater, and without fail, society makes it very clear that this is an age run by nostalgia. As the millennials give way to the next generation, more and more focus is turning towards the past and the experiences that defined the late 1980s and 1990s. Case in point, 23 years after the initial book in the series, Welcome to Dead House, hit bookstores, Goosebumps has found new life as a big-screen adventure for the whole family.

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