Category Archives: Podcasts

Franchise Detours Episode 13: ‘Army of Darkness’ (feat. Jeff Johnson of Suns and Shadows-Cast)

It seems some Evil Dead fans didn’t realize Army of Darkness was a sequel when they first saw it. Alas, the 1992 movie — once again directed by Sam Raimi and starring Bruce Campbell — completes the duo’s Evil Dead trilogy.

On this episode, Jeff Johnson of Suns and Shadows-Cast joins us to discuss how the movie completes the evolution of Ash’s character, the distinction between his buffoonish and heroic sides, and those epic practical effects.

Ash (Bruce Campbell) is transported back to medieval days, where he is captured by the dreaded Lord Arthur (Marcus Gilbert). Aided by the deadly chainsaw that has become his only friend, Ash is sent on a perilous mission to recover the Book of the Dead, a powerful tome that gives its owner the power to summon an army of ghouls.

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Franchise Detours Episode 12: ‘Evil Dead 2’ (feat. David Rosen of Piecing It Together)

The Evil Dead remains an undeniable classic. But Evil Dead 2 is arguably where director Sam Raimi and star Bruce Campbell emerged fully formed. And it’s why this entry perhaps boasts the most passionate fan base.

On this episode, David Rosen of the Piecing It Together podcast joins us to talk Evil Dead 2. We’ll cover why it’s one of his favorites, how it serves as both sequel and remake, and why it remains so rewatchable years later.

The second of three films in the Evil Dead trilogy is part horror, part comedy, with Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell) once again battling horrifying demons at a secluded cabin in the woods. After discovering an audiotape left by a college professor that contains voices reading from the Book of the Dead, Ash’s girlfriend Linda (Denise Bixler) becomes possessed by evil spirits that are awakened by the voices on the tape. Ash soon discovers there is no escaping the woods.

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Franchise Detours Episode 11: ‘The Evil Dead’ (feat. Bri Azmoudeh of Killer Waffles)

It’s time to leave Child’s Play behind. But we’re not giving the world of horror a rest just yet. Instead, we’re swerving right into another hugely influential franchise, starting with Sam Raimi’s 1981 classic The Evil Dead.

On this episode, Bri Azmoudeh of The Geeky Waffle Network‘s Killer Waffles podcast joins us to talk about Raimi’s cabin-in-the-woods splatter-fest. We’ll discuss the film’s shoestring budget, the emerge of Bruce Campbell as a movie star, and even the stage musical adaptation.

Ashley “Ash” Williams (Bruce Campbell), his girlfriend Linda (Betsy Baker), his sister Cheryl (Ellen Sandweiss), and friends Scott (Hal Delrich) and Shelly (Sarah York) hike into the woods to a cabin for a fun night away. There they find an old book, the Necronomicon, whose text reawakens the dead when it’s read aloud. The friends inadvertently release a flood of evil and must fight for their lives or become one of the evil dead. Ash watches his friends become possessed, and must make a difficult decision before daybreak to save his own life in this, the first of Sam Raimi’s trilogy.

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